Guide for authors

General Requirements to Documentation of Materials

for Publication in the Journal

“ETAP: Economic Theory, Analysis, and Practice”

     1. The article content should correspond to the magazine thematic and scientific level with a great scientific interest. The material offered for publication should be original without previous publication in other printing issues.

The author is responsible for reproduction of names, citations and formulas.

The article name should correspond to its content.

The following author’s materials are accepted for publication:

  • Scientific (practical) articles;
  • Reviews (review articles);
  • References corresponding to the magazine thematic;
  • The translated materials (accompanied with comments of the translator).

2. Volume of the author’s original (references, tables and notes to figures) should not exceed 1 author’s page (40 thousand signs including gaps); text — in A4 format; font — Times New Roman; size (point) of font — 14; a space interval — 1, 5; all edges — 2 cm, space (paragraph) — 1 cm. The submitted material should be prepared in Microsoft Word. Figures should be made in *.JPEG or *.bmp formats. Subfigure notes should include the number and name (Figure 1 …). The text should include references to all provided figures. Graphs, diagrams and other pictures are recommended to be made in MS Exсel or MS Graph. Tables should have headings and order numbers. The text should include references to each Table.

Text references are given in [square brackets], their numeration should correspond to references placed at end of the article in an alphabetical order; references to comments should be given in (round brackets).

It is possible to include semantic allocations by a bold-face type.

If the stated volume is exceeded the author might divide the article into several logical parts for

the following publication in several issues in turn.

3. Material for publication in an electronic form is submitted in the form of several independent

files with the names beginning from the full name of the author (authors).

Structure of the main file which contains the article text in the Russian language:

  • Article ID — on the first page in the upper left corner;
  • A Name of the article;
  • Surname and initials of the author (authors);
  • Brief information about the author (authors) of the article;
  • Article summary in the Russian language (brief disclosure of the article content up to 250 words, alignment by the page );
  • Keywords in the Russian language (from 5 up to 10 words or word phrases characterizing the article content, in the nominative case and printed by lower case letters, through commas);
  • Article text (size 14, Times New Roman font, alignment by the page leaf, a space interval is 1,5; a paragraph space from the 1 см). There should be no pages notes.
  • Information to be given in the English language:
  • A Name of the article;
  • Surname of initials of the author (authors);
  • Brief information about the author (authors) of the article (scientific degree, rank, position, place of work, e-mail);
  • Article summary;
  • Keywords;
  • References.

References should make in accordance to GOST 7.5-2008 (Bibliographic reference) (without dividing dashes). It is necessary to indicate the name of the publishing house, the interval of pages for the journal articles.

The number of sources in the pre-article bibliographic list is no more than 50.

Both Russian and English sources included in the pre-article references should indicate all authors of each publication (no more than 3; if there are more authors — etc.).

The Editorial Group informs the author about the positive decision on publication of his article, and announces its publication.

The position of Editorial Board is not necessarily those of the authors.

Editorial Board reserves the right to edit the drafting article.

Team of authors receives only one exemplar of the journal.

Note:materials of postgraduate (doctoral) students are published free. They are accepted for publication only with written recommendation of the academic adviser (or the Head of the department).


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